Why My Wife Is Awesome!

Today my beautiful, amazing and super talented wife, Brooke, turns 29.  I thought I would use this day on my blog to highlight everything that is amazing about her and why I love her so much.  If you love love, you'll probably really enjoy this post.  If not, learn how to, because love is awesome!

Every year I think to myself that I cannot possibly find more to love about this woman that said "yes" to marrying me over six years ago, but every year she surprises me with a new facet of who she is and what she is all about.


Brooke is hardworking.

She isn't that fake version of hardworking that people are really good at being now-a-days.  You know the type.  They like to talk about all the things they are going to do and all the cool things that are "in the works."  Brooke simply isn't like that.  She's the actual hardworking type.  She will do whatever she needs to do to get a job done.  When she was 10 days late with June we had some orders that needed to be picked and packed and even though I told her I could handle it, she insisted on being there and working even while being SUPER pregnant.  She is constantly working behind the scenes of everything we do with our companies.  And while I am often the one getting the credit or praise for things walk in love. does it is usually Brooke who is working along side of me, just as hard, to pull it all off.

Brooke is always trying to make things better.

Brooke loves to cook and is really freaking good at it. Thank you homeschooling! She is constantly trying to cook new things and come up with new concoctions. Lately, she's been making her own almond chocolate bark.  So, it's a good time to live in our house!  The thing I love about Brooke is that after almost anything she cooks she always says, "I already know how to make it better."  That's her attitude about life.  It's why she is such a great wife, mom and creative.  She is always pushing herself to make things better and never just settle into the mediocrity that so many people seem to get stuck in.  It's so inspiring! Because when I see her wanting to be better at what she is doing it makes me want to be better at what I am doing. 


Brooke is humble.

I always like to say that I am the best at being humble.  Humility does not come easily to me.  I don't know if it's the great hair, killer smile or....Uhh..I am getting off track.  Brooke is so humble.  She is so good AT EVERYTHING.  You want to lose at a board game? Play Brooke. You want to know where your furniture could be better placed in your house? Ask Brooke. Want to make the best cookies ever? Ask Brooke.  You want to learn how to do something, anything, better do it with Brooke.  She is so talented at so many things and she succeeds at almost everything. However, she lives her life clothed in humility and it's so cool to watch.  I learn everyday what true humility looks like.

Brooke is so creative.

I am constantly amazed at what Brooke creates.  Whether it's photography, home decor, design or just about anything else.  Throughout the six years of our marriage I have watched her grow as an artist and create beauty in all circumstances and all situations.  Brooke isn't just a great photographer. She could plan the photoshoot, style the outfits, do the hair, make the flower crown, draw the signs, add the graphics, update the website and send out the marketing material...SHE IS FREAKING AMAZING AT ALL THINGS CREATIVE!

Brooke is an amazing mom!

I love the way Brooke cares for little Junebug.  She is so sweet, caring and selfless as she looks out for our sweet little girl!  She is constantly making June laugh, giggle and scream with joy!  I love watching it everyday.

Brooke is beautiful.

This one is pretty self explanatory.  I mean just look at her!  What a total babe! How did I ever get so lucky!?

To Brooke on the day you turn 29...

Thank you so much for adding so much love, joy and excitement to my life.  I praise God every morning that I get to wake up next to you and walk hand and hand through every day.  As we walk through your 29th year I want you to know that I will love you more with every step.  You are  the light of my life and I absolutely adore and love everything about you.  Happy Birthday Sunny!

Don't Miss The Little Moments Today!

Every morning I hear June on the monitor "talking."  I don't know what she is saying and most of the time she sounds more like a creaky door than an adorable baby.  I sleep a lot heavier than Brooke, so Brooke is already awake and either getting up to get her or tapping me on the shoulder to get her.  When it's my turn to get her I walk to and open the door, trying not to trip over one of our cats, Leo, as he sprints into our bedroom.  A quick stop to the bathroom and then I slowly open June's door.

And there she is, smiling, happy and usually looking right at me as I turn the corner into her room.  It is one of my favorite moments every single day.  After I say, "Good morning!" to her a few times I try to change her diaper with my morning "zombie hands."  Then I pick her up and take her into our room so we can spend a few precious moments together on the bed as a family before we start our day.

This is not a big moment that we share everyday.  There is nothing overwhelming about it.  Actually, if I am honest about it, it's probably not very pretty.  My hair looks like a rats nest, my eyes are sealed shut with crusties and I have an oversized sleep shirt on that is not flattering.  Let's just put it this way - it's not very "instagrammable."  😂 But it is the highlight of my day almost every day.

I could so easily miss this moment every single day.  I could be too tired, too busy or too "fill in the blank."  I have to choose to enjoy that moment everyday, not miss it, but enjoy it.  Our lives are quick and can fly right by before we know it.  We have to take time to acknowledge the wonderful, little moments in our lives. When we start to acknowledge them we can appreciate them.  I think when we start appreciating more little moments in our lives they will start to get better.  People who are overflowing with joy usually see the beauty in the little things.

So today, stop, take a breathe and acknowledge those little moments in your life.  Look up from your phone and notice the people around you in those moments.  Smile at them, ask them how they are doing, tell them you love them.  Appreciate them because life isn't all big moments.  Actually it's rarely big moments and most of the time the memories we cherish are in those sweet little moments that can just fly by if we let them.  So, today I challenge you not to let them.  Don't miss those little moments.  Cherish them, enjoy them and love them.

Little June - Always Smiling!

Little June - Always Smiling!

10 Pieces of Advice for Christian Teenagers

Just the other day I was speaking to a youth group and while looking out to the crowd I could feel how important teenagers are to Jesus.  I wish I would have learned that lesson when I was an actual teenager, instead of spending so many years making bad decisions that I now regret.  I know teenagers don't like to read, but please please please read this.

1. Your popularity doesn't mean squat.

The hours and hours I spent worrying about being popular were a big, fat, giant waste of time!  I use to get such anxiety over the fact that I couldn't shop at the popular stores because they were too expensive or when the beginnings of a pimple would surface.  God wants us to be selfless and humble and worrying about our popularity is the exact opposite of those things.  I've also found that when you lean into who you are people will love the authenticity of it.

2. Learn to love to read.

I still struggle reading the Bible and reading in general. However, I have really had to learn to enjoy it over the past years.  I wish I would have read more as a teenager and learned to love it like I do now.  I wish God would just call me up on my iPhone and tell me what He wants, and maybe someday He will, but until that moment all I have as a Christian is the Bible.  It's like a  really long text message that God is sending you and I.  Learn to dive into that message and soak it up.  Ask questions, highlight verses, dig deep.  I can't imagine how much deeper the truths of God would be in my heart if I had been reading all through high school.

3. Stay fired up!

Just recently I had one of my high schoolers in my small group tell me that he was feeling, "Blah about God."  And I told him that happens from time to time, but you have to push through it. Find things that fire you up and search those out.  I love listening to sermons and when I am feeling "blah" I look to some of my favorite pastors to reignite my fire.  I also am always looking for new and fresh worship music to keep me going.

4. Don't have sex until you're married.

A lot of heartache will be avoided if you follow this piece of advice.  I recently heard Levi Lusko describe sex as a piece of tape.  It's suppose to stick once and stick forever.  The more you have sex outside of marriage the more you are sticking and unsticking that tape.  When the time finally comes to say "I do" and you try to stick that tape to your spouse it won't have it's full power and could lead to a lot of pain.  I didn't wait until marriage to have sex and it's one of my greatest regrets in life.  I can never go back and undo it.  I can never give that to Brooke and I will have to live with that forever.

5. Learn how to talk to people.

To their faces, more specifically. I have noticed that kids don't even ask other kids to homecoming with actual words anymore! They use signs, t-shirts and food.  The art of a conversation has been lost in a world of Snapchat, texting, Instagram and so on.  But, when your friends are hurting and in pain a text message, Snapchat or Instagram won't be enough.  They will need to hear your words, feel your embrace and want real, authentic human interaction.  Learn how to talk to people so that at the moment someone needs hope you can be confident and tell them about Jesus and give them the ultimate hope!

6. Never stop inviting your friends.

While I was speaking at a youth group, I asked how many people invited someone to come tonight and I would guess that maybe 7% of hands went up. Just imagine if every week every single student at your youth group was inviting someone?  If 100 students are at your youth group and all 100 invited people... Even if only 10% came that is still 10 more people who will be presented with who Jesus is!

7. Pray more.

Praying is like a muscle.  The more you work at it the stronger it will become.  I think the only time I prayed as a teenager was when I wanted a girl to notice me or when I wanted to win at sports.  Things that I now realize don't matter.  Instead, I wish I was praying for my classmates, my heart and this broken world.  Prayer is important and the more we practice it the more we see what it can do.  It's powerful, beautiful and so important!  Instead of your only prayers being for your meals, you should start praying for hearts and minds to be won to Christ too!

8. Stop listening to crap.

I listened to metal, hardcore and screamo music in high school.  It was all about teenage angst and being broken hearted.  So guess what I did?  I walked around with my hair in my face being full of teenage angst and feeling all broken hearted.  And if all you listen to is rappers talking about how awesome and bad*ss they are, how do you think you going to walk around?  If all you listen to is Taylor Swift telling you how crazy and confusing love should be, how do you think you are going to feel about love?  I am not one of those people who think you need to listen to worship music exclusively, cause my wife and I certainly love rocking out to T-Swzzy from time to time, but I definitely would advise you to start adding worship music to your playlist.  Let your heart be uplifted with the music you listen to.  Listening to music that acknowledges the truths of God will help you acknowledge the truths of God.

9. Don't be afraid.

Our society will tell you that what you believe is stupid.  Your beliefs will be attacked, you will be persecuted and when you try to defend yourself you will be called a bigot, hater and judgmental. Stand firm in what you belief, respond with a loving heart and know that you will never convert someone to knowing who Jesus is -- only the Holy Spirit can do that.  Your job is to be there pointing someone toward Christ.  Sometimes you will do that with words and sometimes you will do it with actions.  However you do it, don't be afraid because God is on your side and He will supply all you need at the time you need it!

10. End with Jesus.

When you end with Jesus everything becomes a tool for His glory!  I don't care if you are a photographer, mathematician or chef.  God will use anything and everything to bring people to His glory!  Lean into the loves that He has put in your heart and let Him use those things to bring people into His loving embrace.  For me that's t-shirts, writing this blog and being goofy on Snapchat.  For you it might be totally different and that's okay!  God knows what you love and if you lean into Him, He will use those loves to give you a platform to glorify Him!

As a teenager I often felt like I would wait to follow Jesus.  That it was something that came with age and I would do all those things when I was older.  That's a lie!  Following Jesus starts the very moment you start following Jesus.  As a teenager you have unlimited potential and reach in your walk with Christ!  Lean into those things and allow Him to direct you.  Use your high school, sports team and whatever you might be involved in as a launching pad to proclaim His name!

Your Life Matters!

I had the pleasure of speaking to the Circl3 Youth Group last night!  I recorded it and it's not the best quality but it does get better as the crowd focuses in.  If you ever want me to come speak t your youth group, church or school just fill out the contact form!  I'd love to!


Actually Do Something... That's the BIG Secret!

There is a this weird internet-blogger-businesd-owner taboo surrounding being transparent and showing the traffic to your site.  But I am breaking that silly "rule" to make a point. Here is a snap shot of my visits, page views and audience size from this June to September.


Business owners constantly say that they "want new business" and "will do whatever it takes" and yet their websites, Instagram and Twitter feeds, and Facebook pages stay blank for days and days.  You want to know the big secret to getting people to hire or buy from you? Give them a reason to look at your site.  And do you know how to get people to look at your site? Give them something to look at. Pretty simple.

I am tired of people talking about how they want their business and brand to grow and yet they don't grind it out every day to give people a reason to show up. If you don't show up, why would your customer/reader?

A digital website isn't much different than an actual store front.  Think of your website as a storefront on a street lined with dozens of other stores, too.  Why is a customer going to stop at yours?  Is your storefront fresh and new and inviting? Or is it covered in cobwebs, featuring out of date graphics and dirty windows?  Are there signs pointing people to your store?  Now back to the digital world, do you have signs in the right places ... Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook?

Retail stores that do really well are the ones that have really good foot traffic.  Think of your website/blog the same way.  You want as many people to stumble in as possible so you can sell to them.

It's time to dust off the cobwebs and create content to give them a reason to stop and shop!

There is no big secret that succeeding business' aren't telling you.  The secret is simple and I am telling you now.  Give people a reason to stop by your site and they will!

1 Out Of 35,000

According to multiple sources on the Internet, the average amount of remotely conscious decisions an adult makes each day is about 35,000.

35,000 choices every single day!  That is a lot of freaking choices!  It's kind of hard to wrap your head around that number.  For example, this morning, I chose to shut my alarm off. I chose to sit up in bed. I chose to put my feet on the ground.  I chose to pick up June. I chose to say good morning to her.  I chose the amount of cream I put it my coffee.  I chose what music to listen to as I walked into work. And I will go on choosing things like that all day long...

35,000 choices is a lot to think about in one day, so I want to challenge you to just think about just one.

Just think about one choice that you will make today.  Think about the power that one choice can have.  Think about it's potential and awesomeness! Think about all the good you can do with that one choice.

Maybe that one choice is to smile at someone who looks like they are having a rough day.

Maybe it's buying the person behind you a cup of coffee.  

Maybe it's telling your husband or wife that you really love them or that they look beautiful or handsome.

Maybe that one choice is not post some disgruntled comment on Facebook or choosing not to argue with a friend.

Maybe that choice is to be silent and listen instead of always talking about everything.

Maybe that choice is to not look at porn.

Maybe that choice is to open the Bible and ask God to show Himself to you.

Maybe that choice is to eat a healthy lunch... instead of two Big Macs.

Maybe today is the day that you choose to listen to your parents the first time they ask you to do something, and not the 12th time.

Or maybe that choice is to tell your mom or dad that you love them.

Maybe it's to put your phone down while you have a conversation.

It's easy to be overwhelmed by 35,000 choices.  It's like looking at an entire forest and not being able to focus on a single tree.  But, if we ignore the forest for just a minute and study one tree, we will actually be able to see it.  We will see it's uniqueness, it's beauty and all it's intricate details.  will see where it starts and where it's headed.  We will see it's color, shape, size and texture.

Today will bring on a forest of choices. You can think about all the things you have to choose today and very easily decide to turn on auto-pilot and coast..  Instead, try to ignore the forest of choices and just look at one. Really think about what you can do with just one thoughtful choice.  Think about where it will start and where it could end.  Think about it's beauty and power. Think about all God can do with just one choice and then use it for His glory.  And maybe, just maybe, that will start you on a path to start thinking about more of your choices and what they can do.  Maybe today you just think about one, but tomorrow it's two and the next day three.  Maybe in a month you are thinking about 10 choices you make everyday.  This new way of choosing can start today by just thinking about just one.

Because, when you start to think about the choices you make, the better your choices will become. And the better they become, the you will start to see God do amazing things in your life and the lives of those around you. 

Today, use 1 of your 35,000 choices to do something awesome! One is all it will take to make a difference!

"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold." - Proverbs 8:10