One On One

This weekend I was telling Brooke how I want to give away more things this year than I ever have.  I want to train myself to be as generous as possible so, I have started that training by giving away a walk in love. shirt every week this year.  That will continue through 2016.  I will post about the giveaways on my Instagram or Snapchat.  Both usernames are @tjmousetis.

But as I started to talk to Brooke I realized that the softest t-shirts in the world aren't the only thing I have to giveaway.  I have some business knowledge that I can share and giveaway.  I have been doing a little bit of that on my YouTube channel.  You can see those videos here - T.J. Mousetis Show.

I plan to continue sharing on the YouTube show all year but it can be difficult to get specific about your business idea.

So I decided that I want to give away thirty minutes every week to talk one on one about your business ideas, social media strategies or whatever business question you might have.  I didn't go to business school and might not have the answers, but I have learned a good amount about running a business in the 10 years I have been doing it so I will do my very best to be as helpful as possible!  I can do it in person if you live in the Lancaster, PA area and want to come to the walk in love. studio or we can do it over facetime.

I had the idea of doing "case studies" on my Podcast earlier but never got around to it, so I think this is that idea finally being flushed out.

I wear a shirt that says Iron Sharpens Iron every three days, at least.  I love the idea that I could play a small part in sharpening your business and by doing that I know that I will be sharpening mine.  It's totally free and I won't try to sell you anything.  This isn't a gimmick to get you in front of me and sell you a more "extensive package."  I want to help and I want to train myself to be generous with my time and energy.

The 30 minutes is yours to talk about your website, social or whatever else you want to ask about your business.   If you are interested, e-mail me - [email protected].

When you e-mail me please include the following

E-mail Subject Line - One on One



Business website and social links:

Whether you want to meet in person or on facetime.

Can't wait to start these!


Cultivate The Atmosphere That You Want

The other night I knew Brooke had cleaned the house the second I walked in!  The living room looked great, which I told her as soon the front door closed behind me.  She replied by asking me, "Guess how long it took to clean the entire house?"

It was a rhetorical question and she quickly exclaimed, "Two hours!"

The house looked really, really good.  Not just, "picked up toys and stuffed things into the closet good", but like "vacuum, clorox wipes, clean the counters, sparkly good"!

Brooke was pumped up that it only took two hours to clean the entire house.  A year ago that would have been impossible, which got me thinking about the atmosphere of our house.  Brooke and I have spent the last year cultivating the atmosphere in our house to one that brings us joy.

One of the reason the house is so much easier to clean now than it was a year ago is because we have 50-75% less stuff.  We got rid of all the things that weren't bringing us joy and sold them at a yard sale or donated them to a thrift store.  We use to spend so much time shuffling the same things from this area to that area while never actually realizing the things we were shuffling were things that we didn't even need to begin with.

Cultivating the atmosphere you want will take a big catalyst at some point.  For Brooke and I, that catalyst was June.  When she was born we started to realize a lot of the unnecessary things in our lives, both physical and emotional.  We realized the atmosphere that we wanted with a baby was not the one we had.  We wanted freedom from unnecessary time consuming things to spend as much time as possible with our new family.  Well, we spent a lot of time cleaning, like most people do, but we knew we could cut that time down with less stuff.  When you have less stuff overall, you have less stuff to clean and put away. Imagine that!

When a catalyst jumps into the forefront of our lives we have two options.  Run through the door it opens with open arms or ignore it.  Unfortunately, most of us ignore the catalysts that show up in our lives and we spend weeks, months or years living like joyless lumps.

A catalyst can be really big, like the birth of your first child, or really small, like when you bend over and realize there is a lot of extra cushion in your mid-section.  That is a catalyst I have had many times and when I ignore it, don't change my eating habits and ignore my physical fitness, it only gets worse.

Respond to the catalysts in your life!  Run through the doors they open with energy and excitement.  Regret is not something you want to live with and way too many people do!  Open your arms to the possibilities of change bringing you joy.  As a Christian, I believe that the holy spirit is a constant catalyst trying to push us through doors to be more like Jesus, but faith without works is dead.  Conviction with out action is wasted. So, listen to that catalyst and jump, run, clean out, giveaway, serve, pray, fast or whatever other action is needed to listen!

The second part, at least in my life, of cultivating the atmosphere that I want is to continually check on that atmosphere.  For example Brooke recently said, "We need to go through our shirts and get rid of some.  We've gotten a lot of new ones without purging the older ones." 

The closets were getting tighter and the extra hangers were filling up and we needed to check the balance of what was happening in our lives.  When you own the greatest t-shirt company in the world you end up with a lot of shirts very quickly, but that doesn't mean you let them run wild in you life and clutter up a once de-cluttered space.  So, every now and then we have to purge and say goodbye to some.  It's the same way with other areas you've cultivated.  Imagine if you got in really good shape and you cultivated the physical fitness atmosphere you've always wanted, but you slowly start to drift away from the weights and closer to the doughnuts.  Before you know it you've gained weight that you worked so hard to lose because you didn't have any checks or balances.  Life continues to go and go and in the blink of eye you can lose an atmosphere that you took so much time to cultivate.  You need checks and balances to to keep yourself checked and balanced.  Again, as a Christian, that is accountability in the form of a wife, friend or mentor.  It's having someone you can trust and love even while they are saying to you, "STEP AWAY FROM THE CREAM CHEESE!"

Cultivating the atmosphere you want is a never ending process.  It starts with a catalyst that requires action.  It doesn't end there though. It takes attention, checks and balances and usually another catalyst mixed in when we've totally lost the atmosphere.  It happens, but don't ignore the catalyst when you realized the atmosphere is gone.

I want an atmosphere of peace, joy and contentment to flow through my life, house, business and work.  I want to live wild and free for Jesus.  I don't want to be tied down to stuff and things.  I want an atmosphere that is flowing from the living waters that Jesus supplies that is so refreshing to people I come in contact with that they want to join me and jump into the open arms of Jesus!  I want the atmosphere of my life to be overflowing with joy and happiness that people have to ask the question, "Why are you different? Why are you so happy?" So, I can respond with the answer that I am on the earth to proclaim - Jesus has changed my life and made me whole.  He can do the same for you!

Are you cultivating the atmosphere you want?

Or are you just complaining about the one you don't have?

In six months, a year, five years, will you look back and regret that you didn't focus more on cultivating the atmosphere you wanted in your life?

Has the atmosphere in your marriage hit an all time low? Is the atmosphere in your home dark and dismal? Is the atmosphere with your friends bitter and uncomfortable?

Let this post be your catalyst to change your atmosphere!


If The Movies Live Up To The Books, This Could Be The Next Big Thing!

In 2014 I decided that I was going to read more.  Smart, successful people are usually well read, so I figured, hey, it's probably a good idea to read more. I started by simply downloading books to my iPad and reading at night in bed.  Who knew that an iPad could be used for more than Clash of Clans + Netflix!

That year I read a record 14 books!  Ask Brooke how many times I bragged about that, it was a lot, but I am really good at being humble, so it was not a big deal.  I tend to read mostly thriller, action or sci-fi novels that are often going to be made into movies.  I am a novice at reading novels, so I started with a lot of young adult books and I am NOT ashamed.

Reading at night has actually really improved the way that I sleep.  I use to lay in bed and think about EVERYTHING for hours.  Now that I read, I get so into the books that it helps to shut off the "over-thinking" part of my brain. I read until my eyes get heavy or I drop the iPad on my face. Then, I shut it off and fall asleep without tossing and turning.  It's amazing!

As I was searching through books to read back in 2014, I stumbled upon a book called Red Rising by Pierce Brown.  I read the description and thought it sounded like it had potential.  It had just come out and didn't really have any reviews but I took the risk anyway, purchased and started reading.  I instantly fell in love with the science-fiction world Pierce created.

The quickest way to describe the story is to imagine if Star Wars, Game of Thrones and Hercules had a baby.  That is the Red Rising Trilogy!

I read the first book in a few weeks, which is really fast for me. Then I had to wait almost a year for the second book, Golden Sun, to come out in 2015.  I read that one in a weekend!

Morning Star, the third and final book, was released February 9th and so far it is amazing.  I am actually pacing myself while reading it because I know that once this book is over, the entire story will be finished, I am not emotionally ready for that to happen.

The books are being made into movies, with Pierce writing the screenplay and director Marc Forster, director of World War Z.  I am so pumped about the movies and glad to read that, according to Pierce, they are taking their time to get it right!

Hope you enjoy the trilogy as much as I did/am and maybe we can all go see the movie on opening night in costumes!  I call dibs on dressing like a Howler! (inside book joke 😂)