On Friday walk in love. will be releasing the Shine collection. Our brand new Spring/Summer collection. It's in a style and aesthtic that we've talked about releasing for the last two summers, but ended up going other directions. The Shine colelction is a vision that Brooke has had for a while and we believe it's perfect timing to release it. It's going to be awesome! Again, releasing Friday at 10am EST. - shopwalkinlove.com
As walk in love. grows I find myself not physically doing as much as I once was. I don't answer e-mails, I don't ship orders every day and for this collection I had nothing to do with the aesthetic and feel, outside of the designs. After I designed and ordered the products I took a step back. I handed the keys over to Brooke and said, "Do your thaaanng girl!"
It's really hard for me to step back. I tend to take charge in situations. I like to share my ideas publicy and give my opinion. It's why I have a blog, record youtube channels and fill up my Snapchat. I really enjoy being out there in the public eye.
But with this collection, I knew that Brooke had a specific vision and I needed to take a back seat to her creative genius. I told her that I trusted her and I would do what I could to help, but really wanted her to do what she wanted.
So, this past Friday I packed up the car for Brooke and her mom to head south for North Carolina. It's a good thing they did because it snowed the next day in Lancaster. It would have been very difficult to make that look summery if the photoshoot had been in PA. We chose Raleigh, NC because Brooke's cousin and best friend Kate lives there. She also has an aunt, uncle and other cousins in the area, which is why Brooke's mom went with her.
My role was staying home and watching June. That's how I was able to help. Normally, I help by coming to the photoshoots, giving ideas, making models laugh and feel comfortable, etc. But this time, I helped by taking care of June so Brooke could do her thing without any worry about how our little girl was doing. It was not glamorous by any means. I fed her, changed her, walked with her, bathed her and played with her on repeat since Friday. It was normal dad life through and through.
Last night, after I put June to bed I came downstairs to clean up the trail of chaos she leaves in her wake, which I love and no, I am not kidding. I love that our house is filled with toys and that she is constantly exploring. It makes my heart so happy to see toys, games, controllers and cheerios covering our floor at the end of the day. It means life was lived in our house and I really do love it. Anyway, after cleaning up I sat on the couch and opened up Snapchat.
Follow walk in love. on Snapchat - @shopwalkinlove
I told Brooke that I really wanted to have someone Snapchatting behind the scenes footage of the shoot so, she nominated her cousin Kate, who did a great job! I sat on the couch and started watching the Snapchats and you guessed it, started crying. It's hard to express how my heart feels when I see the company that I started over ten years ago doing something I never expected. I cry all the time when I think how walk in love. has grown, but this time was different because this time I was backstage. Brooke was shining, front and center, as the Snapchat followed her shooting, directing and interacting with the models and creative team.
I am always asking God to show me new things through what we are doing with walk in love. I never want it to be come stagnant and predictable to me. I want God to move through my company to touch peoples hearts and lives. We've seen Him touch many hearts through what we are doing and this time He didn't disappoint, he touched mine.
He showed me that you can shine backstage.
If you are someone who finds themselves on a stage with lots of eyes watching, SHINE BRIGHT! But in reality, most of us won't. Most of us will be on the stage crew, running audio, lighting and ushering people to their seats. And when we find ourselves backstage we can cross our arms and look on with jealousy as someone gets all the credit OR we can do whatever we can to make sure we are shining bright and setting up whoever is center stage to do the same. Shine where you are and let God use His brilliant light shining through you to change the hearts and minds of the people who are always watching, even when it's "just" your kids.
There are times I will probably find myself on a stage again, whether physically or digitally, and I will do my best to Shine bright for Jesus, as should you. But I want to always remember that even while I am backstage I can shine just as bright and so can you.